Curriculum Overview
The Foundation Stage
This covers Nursery and Reception classes and provides the foundation on which children will build during their school life. It is a very important time in a child’s life whereby they gain a wide range of opportunities and experiences during these 2 years.
During their Nursery year, children attend for five sessions each week and when they enter the Reception class the children will attend school all day
We follow the statutory EYFS curriculum and the EYFS profile for your child will be shared with you at the end of the academic year in readiness for Year 1.
To help build a solid foundation in Reading and writing Holbrook Primary use Read Write Inc, a phonics program used to develop their early reading and writing skills.
During the foundation stage your child will be developing the skills of, creating and thinking critically, playing and exploring and active learning.
We believe that each child is unique and should have the opportunities to interact in positive relationships and enabling environments and that all our children should have the care and support to reach their potential and become independent learners.
Key Stages 1 and 2
Children at Holbrook Primary are taught the National Curriculum for England.
The programmes of study include:
• English
• Mathematics
• Science
• Art & design
• Computing
• Design and technology
• Geography
• History
• Languages (Key stage 2)
• Music
• Physical Education
• Religious Education
An overview of subjects using CUSP can be found here
For details about your child’s curriculum please visit the relevant year group page and download the relevant curriculum grids.
Further information can be found here.
Special Educational Needs
The school has an agreed policy for Special Educational Needs which is available for parents to read. Children who are identified as having a special educational need are placed on the school’s register. Teachers then plan an Individual Educational Programme to support each child’s needs. This is regularly reviewed by teachers and parents.
The school works in close partnership with outside agencies, e.g. Speech and Language Service, Sensory Support service, Learning and Behaviour Support Service, and will seek, help from them when necessary.
Click on the link to find out about Holbrook Special Educational Need Provision
Collective Worship
During this collective time we celebrate children’s successes in all aspects of school life The main focus is PSHE, well being and Mental Health. We will celebrate aspects of British Life as well as a range of Religious Celebrations that represent the cultures within our school community and beyond.
If parents wish children to be withdrawn from the Religious aspects of collective time , they should discuss this with the Head teacher.
Religious Education
The RE curriculum at Holbrook follows Jigsaw RE.
Jigsaw RE encourages an awareness and understanding of the world around them, different language and communication, and develop their broader personal, social and emotional skills.
Children will study over their school careers the following Religions/ Worldviews
Sanatana Dharma
The programme of work is designed to develop children’s understanding of spiritual and moral issues and to develop an appreciation and learn from the beliefs and rituals of other faiths. We hope all children will take part in our religious education lessons but if parents wish children to be withdrawn, they should discuss this with the Head teacher.
Sex and Relationship Education
An amendment to the Children and Social Work Act 2017 made Relationships and Health Education at primary age statutory subjects from September 2020.
At Holbrook Primary, we choose to deliver Personal, Social, Health Education using Jigsaw, the mindful approach to PSHE, this programme covers all aspects of Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) within the context of a full PSHE programme in an age-appropriate way. Should changes to curriculum areas occur in the future, Jigsaw will provide schools with materials to ensure all statutory duties are fulfilled.
Our school community believes that the essential aim of sex and relationship education is to provide young people with the knowledge and skills to enable them to make informed, responsible and healthy decisions about their lives both now and in the future. This includes strategies to help children avoid exploitation (incorporating CSE and FGM) and avoid exploiting others themselves. The SRE contributes to the social and emotional aspects of learning taught through the PSHE curriculum and the physical development of pupils at school and helps children move confidently from childhood through adolescence and into adulthood.
In line with our whole school ethos at Holbrook Primary School, we believe that all children from all faiths and cultures have an entitlement to sex and relationships education. Within our multi-faith and multi-cultural school and community, we must be sensitive to the range of values and beliefs represented. It is our responsibility to educate children about sex and relationships and to help children to respect what others think whilst understanding their own faiths and values.
Please click here to read the SRE policy
Music and singing are taught throughout the school as part of the National Curriculum. Children have the opportunity to use a variety of instruments and specialist teachers teach instruments including the violin, guitar, Dhol drums and samba drums. We try to arrange a programme of visiting performing musicians during the year. Most children also take part in a ‘Morning of Music ’ at some point during their time at Holbrook. If you have any questions please speak to the Music Leader.
Learning Outside the Classroom
Over their time at Holbrook School children will have the opportunities to use the school grounds, the local area and trips all carefully plan by the staff to enhance the children’s learning.
To find out more about learning outside the classroom please follow the link.
Remote Learning due to school Closure
In the event of school being closed and remote learning taking place. Learning will continue via the digital education platform: Google for Education for all year groups. We will provide printed resources, such as workbooks and activities, for pupils who do not have suitable online access.