We understand the importance of Individual Liberty and at Holbrook Primary through the following:

We understand the importance of Individual Liberty and at Holbrook Primary through the following:

Pupil Choice: Children are actively encouraged to make their own choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment. They are encouraged to take responsibility for their behaviour and our pastoral support reinforces the importance of making the right choices.

Roles and responsibilities: Council Members, Classroom Monitors, Playground Buddies, Mental Health Ambassadors, Eco Warriors, Language Ambassadors and Reading Ambassadors.

Extra Curricular Activities: A wide offer of activities is offered to all children.

Anti Bullying: School follows a robust policy on expectations on how to treat others in school and in society. School participates in Anti Bullying Week, in PSHE Anti Bullying is taught in the Celebrating Differences piece over several weeks.

Outside Opportunities: Children’s achievements outside school are recognised and celebrated.