To help children understand and develop morals we have at Holbrook the following:
Behaviour policy and Anti Bullying policy
Restorative conversations: Children are guided through restorative process to resolve issues.
Safeguarding/ Protective Behaviours: The carefully planned safeguarding policy and processes enables children to understand how to safeguard themselves and how to access help.
Feelings box: children are provided with the opportunity to share their thoughts and feelings. The feelings box allows them to reflect on an issues or conflicts that have arisen throughout the school day.
School code of conduct: Children understand that there are clear consequences for their behaviour and that they are responsible for their own actions.
Collective Worship: Whole school and class based assemblies are timetabled and planned for the academic year. Assemblies include; Religious festivals, Votes for Schools, and weeks that raise awareness on issues that are relevant to children at Holbrook eg International Education week.
PSHE and SRE curriculum: Children are given opportunities to reflect on legal and moral events and decide how people should have acted. Children are encouraged to appreciate and respect the viewpoints of others.
RE curriculum: Children are given opportunities to reflect on moral and ethical issues.
Fundraising and Charity Events: Children participate in planned charity events to raise awareness on issues affecting children locally and internationally.