Schools thrive on social interactions and at Holbrook this is developed through:
School Council: Representatives from each class from Y1-Y6 meet weekly to discuss concerns from their peers, plan school events and implement change
Class Council: School councillors feedback to their class issues that are raised at council and vote on a variety of topics.
Pupil voice opportunities: Children’s opinions are heard and valued
Wide range of extra curricular clubs
Mental Health Ambassadors: The team meet regularly to discuss mental health issues and vote on topical events.
School trips and residentials: Please click here to see our calendar of school trips.
Competitions inside and outside of school: Children are encouraged to take part in competitions including sports, maths challenge, vaccine superhero and Tesco Christmas bauble design.
Leadership roles: Children are encouraged to develop leadership roles in learning and through extra curricular activities.
Teamwork: This is encouraged in all subjects including PE and games.
Sports day
Working collaboratively: Children are given opportunities to use their social skills in different contexts and allows them to work in various ways with their peers both in and out of lessons.
LOTC ( Learning Outside The Classroom): Holbrook School provide planned opportunities for LOTC in all subjects as well as Forest Schools.