School Uniform

Our school uniform requirements
• White polo shirt
• Blue sweatshirt
• Grey skirt or pinafore dress
• Grey tights for girls
• Plain blue shalwar kameez
• Blue head scarf
• Grey trousers
• Black shoes suitable for school
• Indoor shoes
Logoed school uniform items are avialbler to purchase online and if you request delivery into the school you save the postage costs.
Uniform Supplier – The School Uniform Supplier our School password is HOL504
PE kit.
All children should keep a PE kit in school, which comprises of a navy blue T-shirt, black shorts or tracksuit bottoms and a pair of pumps or trainers.

Pupils in Year 3 swim each Friday and will need a swimming kit in school – costume or swimming trunks (above the knee), towel and a waterproof bag. It is advisable that pupil with long hair have a Lycra or silicon swim hat.