Learning for children who are self isolating .
We are sorry that your child cannot be in school due to self isolation, however if they are feeling well, learning is available for your child to complete.
For children individually self-isolating Please access online learning through Oak Academy and choose the year group suggested by the teacher to meet your child’s individual learning needs. |
For a class bubble closure The Class Teacher will provide Online Learning through Google Classrooms. The day will begin at 9.15 with a class assembly and the teacher will explain the learning for the day. This will then lead into their English learning and then Maths will begin at 11.00. It is always a good idea to join the meeting with mute on! During this period of self-isolation, you will be able to communicate directly with staff on google classrooms using the chat function in the lesson during this time. Afternoon learning begins at 1.00 and is topic led. How does my child access Google Classrooms? To help the children learn their own log in details we use the children’s name and date of birth, along with the school year they are in:- Username:- First two initials of first name “.” surname year they leave the school @holbrookprimary.com Password:- DD-MPassword e.g. John Smith who is in Year 4 and has a birthday on 16th June 2015. Username:- jo.smith23@holbrookprimary.com Password:- 16-6Password We understand it can be tricky to remember this so the children have their school Google Account details stuck into their reading record. If your child has misplaced their reading record, please send a text message or a message via the My Child at School APP and we will forward your child’s details on to you. |

On a desktop or laptop your child will need to log into Google Classrooms on Google Chrome and select the correct subject Classroom. If you only have access to a tablet or phone, download the free Google Classroom and Google Meet Apps to access learning. If you need any help with logging in please mail:- ICT@holbrook.coventry.sch.uk Your child should ‘turn’ their work in so that their teacher can see their learning. |
I do not have a device for my child to access online learning? If you have access to the internet and WiFi, school have a limited number of Chromebooks to loan children for the duration of your child’s self-isolation. Priority is given to those who are in receipt of benefit Free School Meals. Please contact school and we will do our best to arrange for you to have a device. |
Useful Websites.
As a school we have a number of websites that pupils can access at home normally and are particularly useful during any period of self-isolation. All usernames and passwords should be stuck into a child’s reading record, however please contact the school if you are unable to find them.
It is important that your child reads every day, so please encourage them to read their home reader or a book that they enjoy. Children also have access to Pearson active learning which supports their reading.
This site https://www.pearsonactivelearn.com/app/Home all pupils have their own logins.
Flash Academy – This website provides pupils with a simple and effective way to expand their vocabulary and develop their literacy skills and runs from phonics all the way up to GCSE! So, it really does have something for everyone.
Numbots – perfect for our younger pupils developing their understanding, recall and fluency in mental addition and subtraction, so that they move from counting to calculating.
Timestable Rockstars – This website helps pupils rapid recall of times table facts so helps those learning and those that need to improve their times table facts.
MyMaths – Lessons from Year 1 to Year 6 with self marking activities and games to help pupils work on all areas of the primary maths curriculum.
We look forward to seeing your child back in school soon.
We strongly encourage everyone to access the online live lessons as this helps keeps children in contact with their teacher, their classmates and enables staff to support the children to do their Holbrook BEST work. However, if you really are unable to access the work online a work pack can be sent home with your child or delivered in the post when they have individual self isolation – please let the school know if you require a work pack.