After School Clubs
At Holbrook Primary School we offer a range of After School Clubs to our pupils, this term all the clubs will be free of charge.
Clubs start at the end of the school day pupils will need to change into appropriate kit. All bags will be left on the pegs by the hall as when the clubs have finished the main school will be secured so going back to classrooms isn’t an option. All clubs finish at 3:50pm unless informed otherwise.
Activities are run by staff and outside providers and change each term so pupils can try many different sports and activities. All registration forms are now in the My Child at School App. Although there are only a limited amount of places available at each club they are not allocated on a first come first served basis. Each application is carefully looked at to try and arrange it so that most children get at least one club they select. The APP will show those pupils on a club and which day to the parents.
If your child doesn’t want to take part in a club please inform the office so the place can be offered to someone on the waiting list.
Pupils that miss a club twice they will be informed that they have been removed from that club and that place then offered to the next child on the waiting list.
This term a few clubs don’t have the back-up of hall or studio space so if the weather forecast is cold or wet we will still be outside! Mr Connolly will rarely cancel clubs due to poor weather as he will say that there is no such thing as bad weather for sports, just incorrect clothing. So if you do have a club that is outside make sure you have suitable layers – possibly even gloves and a hat.
Please check the newsletter weekly as sometimes clubs are cancelled due to matches or staff training. If the field becomes too boggy or the playground is too icy to be safe we will have to cancel the clubs. If we are forced to make the decision on the day and we will send a message via the My Child at School APP or text message.
Correct PE Kit.
All clubs involving physical activity will require pupils to have correct PE kit this includes footwear. Arts, Drumming and Computer club can happily be enjoyed in school uniform.
No Kit = No Club!
If your child does not have appropriate kit they won’t be able to take part so parents will be called to collect their child. For Football correct kit means shin pads and also mean football boots if we are on the field.
Reception age pupils.
As adjusting to full time school can be very tiring for pupils we don’t offer extra curricular clubs – sports, arts, music – until after Christmas, and then only if their class teacher and Mr Connolly feels they will cope with the additional time at school. For some pupils it isn’t appropriate as they are very tired after a whole day of learning.

DJ Club

Multi Sport

Girl’s Football