At Holbrook we take pride in can cultural diversity and the following supports us :
Holbrook Passport: The Holbrook Passport is a commitment from school to pupils to provide an enriched curriculum and raise cultural capital beyond the National Curriculum.
Participation in live performance: The Holbrook Passport enables children to participate in a variety of performances including brass band, class assemblies, and theatrical productions.
Opportunities to watch live performances The Holbrook Passport enables children to watch a variety of performances including pantomimes, dance workshops and theatre workshops.
Significant People: Throughout the curriculum, children study the contributions to society made by a diverse range of famous people.
Singing : Through our music curriculum children learn songs from different cultures and play a range of instruments.
Opportunities to study literature and art from different cultures: Through our carefully planned Literacy and Art curriculum children study, understand and appreciate of a wide range of cultural influences.
Library: Reading is a priority in school and we value the importance of visiting libraries and bookshops. Children visit the school library weekly and choose a book to take home.
Allotment: To develop gardening skills, children have the opportunity to access the school allotment both in curriculum and extra curricular activities.
Black History month: Children participate in planned events to raise awareness on issues through a variety of activities including Art, History, English, DT and Music.
Enrichment Week: A week of activities to provide an enriched curriculum and raise cultural capital beyond the National Curriculum.
Cultural Awareness Week: The language ambassadors lead a week of awareness celebrating the cultural diversity of school.
Swimming: Children from Year 3 take part in weekly swimming lessons over a term to develop an essential life skill.
Language Ambassadors: The children support newly arrived children who are new to English.
MFL : Spanish was chosen as it has similarities to Romanian ( a language spoken by many children in school).
Cooking : Through the DT curriculum children study and cook food from different cultures.
Assembly themes: Assemblies are planned to explore important aspects of a variety of cultures, e.g. festival days, global events.